This mix is heavily influenced by my then-recent stint at
AAA radio station WCLZ in Portland. In fact, you could argue that this entire playlist would easily fit on that station in 2001- perhaps not Alan Parsons Project, but the rest for sure. The cover art is from the CD insert for
whitechocolatespaceegg, from Liz Phair, plus some Photoshop effects.
- Alan Parsons Project: Don't Answer Me (due to a faulty MP3, this song is cut off halfway through.)
- 'til tuesday: Coming Up Close
- John Hiatt: Drive South
- Bruce Springsteen: Where The Bands Are
- Lucinda Williams: Passionate Kisses
- Billy Bragg: Sexuality
- Richard Thompson: 1952 Vincent Black Lightning
- Liz Phair: Uncle Alvarez
- Ben Folds Five: Steven's Last Night In Town
- The Old '97s: Nineteen
- Buffalo Tom: Kitchen Door
- R.E.M.: The Great Beyond
- Moby: Porcelain
- The Eels: Novocaine for the Soul
- Sinead Lohan: Diving To Be Deeper
- Patty Larkin: Wolf At The Door
- Pete Townsend: Let My Love Open The Door [E.Cola Mix] (as heard in the film Grosse Pointe Blank)
- Nick Drake: Pink Moon